Many brands have been launching promotions this time of year tied into the Halloween season. Usually I would feature a candy brand, or as in the past, Halloween pet treat promotions. But this season I found it interesting that a beer brand has hopped on the band wagon.

DosEquis-MasqueradeDos Equis is getting into the spirit this year with their Masquerade Sweepstakes. They are inviting participants to enter for a chance to win a trip to New Orleans on November 22 to attend the Dos Equis Masquerade featuring music artist Q-Tip and a chance to meet the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man. Participants can either upload a photo of their favorite Halloween celebration to, the promotional website, or post the photo to Instagram using the Hashtag to enter.

Dos Equis is also offering a third way for participants to enter that requires purchase. Participants can text or email a photo of their receipt showing the purchase of Dos Equis Lager Especial or Ambar beer in either 6, 12, 18 or 24-pack configurations to [email protected].  I’m starting to see more of this type of entry using SMS with a photo as a means of entry. We currently are assisting a client with rules for a local promotion in a Florida supermarket where texting a photo of a receipt as proof of purchase is an option. In that case there is a mail-in request option as well to participate without purchase.

The Dos Equis Masquerade Sweepstakes ends on Halloween night. Six grand prizes will then be awarded which includes airfare for two to New Orleans, LA, hotel accommodations and $300 spending money. Approximate retail value (ARV) of each grand prize: $2,820. 25 second prize winners will each receive a life size standing image of the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man.

ThisDos Equis Photo 15-second TV spot is running through October featuring the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man offering his take on Masquerade Parties: “Sometimes it’s best to be yourself. This is not one of those times.” The promotion also includes events nationwide, digital experiences along with limited edition label designs for its Lager and Ambar brews. Each pack and bottle will feature new branding with its own mask. Dos Equis will also sponsor several Halloween-themed events nationwide, including Music Midtown, Life is Beautiful, Pacific Beachfest, ALONE, Monster Bash and HARD Day of the Dead.

You can view some of the photos in the XXMasquerade gallery. Even though the Official Rules contain photo guidelines that are quite extensive, there are still definitely some interesting photos posted as you can well image. This one of the woman and the parrot I thought was one of the better quality photos that has been uploaded. But it is a random drawing, so we’ll have to wait and see who wins.

CheckYourself-2The pink ribbon symbols can be seen in many promotions during October since it is breast cancer awareness month when many marketers and brands tie their products and services to the cause. I usually dedicate a least one “PINK” post to highlight some of the brands and organizations that have been supporting the cause. So this year I have a special program to share with you.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month the Avon Foundation for Women recently launched a powerful PSA featuring an exciting new music video created with and by Paula Abdul. The daughter of Gene Cairo, the President of American Sweepstakes Company,  was heavily involved in the production of this music video. Alex Cairo, who is a young and up and coming copywriter at an agency working with Avon, wrote the lyrics which were chosen for the song Check Yourself, part of the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade.

Paula-Abdul The Avon #CheckYourself campaign focuses on these four ways that women can participate:

1. Watch the video and support the global movement by sharing on Facebook and Twitter and here on their Facebook page.

2.  Educate friends about breast cancer by creating your own dance video, sharing it on Facebook with the #CheckYourself hashtag, and challenging three friends!  Women can learn some dance moves from Paul Abdul here on this Pinterest board created to help them copy the movies in the video.

3. Donate to the Avon Foundation or purchase an Avon Pink Ribbon product here.

 4. Get active and register as an Avon Walker, Crew member, or Volunteer. Sign up for the 2015 Avon Walk today at

Congratulations to Alex for a great job of writing the lyrics for this song. It must have been such an exciting experience to work alongside Paula Abdul and the production team along with the Avon crew.

I personally check myself very often and support the cause. My mother died of breast cancer over four years ago, so my risk factor is higher than average. Annual screenings are a must for me, but all women need to be educated and understand their own risk factor. It can save your life. Protect Yourself!

DunkinDonuts-Video-Contest.Dunkin’ Donuts is celebrating National Coffee Day which kicked off earlier this week, September 29,  with the launch of a video contest. The DDance for Dark Roast contest is tied to the launch of their new Dark Roast Coffee.

When you invite participants to submit a video of themselves dancing, then you obviously are going to receive videos with music in them. What I really like about this contest is that Dunkin Donuts actually went and licensed a song “Clap Your Hands” by Richey Lam for this contest. Participants first must visit the contest website DDanceForDarkRoast and download the song. Then they must record themselves dancing to the song.

DunkinDonuts-Video-ContestThe contest website features a introduction video from Maria Menounos, host of E!’s “Untold” and “Live from E!”who also states that she’s a former DD employee. She instructs participants to submit a video with their dance moves as “bold and smooth” as Dunkin’s new dark roast coffee. If so they have a chance to win one of 10 first prizes which is a year’s supply of Dunkin’s new dark roast coffee as well as a $5,000 grand prize. The first place prizes will be awarded in the form of five $100 DD gift cards. The grand prize winner will also have their video broadcast on the billboard in Times Square.

What I also like about this contest is that they are asking all participants to post their videos on their own social profiles. They must use the hashtag #DDanceforDarkRoast, make sure their post can be seen by the public and post it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Vine. Some of the eligible videos will be pulled into a gallery for viewing on the contest website.

DunkinDonuts Dark RoastAll video submissions must be no longer than 30 seconds and must include the song playing in the background. The judges will review all submissions and give each a score based on this criteria: Overall Appeal (50%), Adherence to Contest (25%) and Originality (25%). The contest entry period is open now through October 12, 2014.

I’ll be interested to see who the winners are of this contest. Dunkin’ is also offering a cup of their new dark roast coffee for $99 now till Oct. 5. I’m a dark roast coffee lover, so I’ve got to try it.

ScandalSome of our favorite shows are back this week with the new fall TV season. I stayed up to watch the Good Wife on Sunday which was pushed back as usual because of the earlier football game. Then Monday James Spader, Red, from the Blacklist kept me up again. Last night I watched the sad season premiere of Chicago Fire (no spoiler). Next on the list is tonight’s season premier episode of SUV (love Mariska Hargitay who plays Olivia Benson) and then on Thursday Kerrie Washington and the cast of Scandal is back!

I’ve seen Kerrie Washington on quite a few talk shows this week promoting the new Scandal season. She looks amazing as usual, but especially after recently having a baby! She is always so stylish and she spoke of some of the people who help make her style. The folks at Platinum Guild Jewelry are launching a new promotion this week to help celebrate the return of Kerrie (Olivia Pope) and Scandal. They have teamed up with Lyn Paolo who is the Costume Designer for Scandal and a two time Emmy Award winner for Costume Design.

Platinum AdThe Show Us Your Platinum Style Instagram Sweepstakes invites fans to upload a photo on Instagram showing your favorite platinum look. Participants must first follow @platinum_jewelry on Instagram and use the hashtag #BePlatinumSweeps. We will randomly draw one lucky winner at the end of the sweepstakes who will win a pair of platinum diamond earrings by Simon G. Jewelry valued at $1,650.

Lyn Paola is quoted in the promotional materials as saying “I love all things Platinum: from my own personal jewelry, from the pieces I chose for my private clientele, films and television shows that I design. Platinum for me is about glamour, style and enduring quality. You really can’t beat those three qualities in one amazing product.”

This is the second promotion we have assisted with the sweepstakes administration services for the Platinum Jewelry Guild. The first was a Pinterest promotion earlier this year. We have been working with their agency, The Shand Group. They asked our advice about what hashtag to use and we suggested adding “Sweeps” to it in light of the FTC endorsement guidelines. The FTC recently came out with some new guidelines that I wrote about here that were sparked by a Pinterest promotion.

So the big question that hopefully will be answered Thursday night is “Where on earth is Olivia Pope?”.

3rd Annual Social Media ConferenceI was in New York City last week attending the 3rd Annual Summit on Digital Advertising Compliance for Social Media, Sweepstakes & Promotions hosted by the American Conference Institute. I was in a room mostly filled with legal counsel from many of the top brands as well as those from law firms who specialize in advertising and promotion.

What I mostly came away with is that there are so many grey areas when it comes to social media. Yes, there are laws regarding sweepstakes and contests that we follow. But when it comes to the various guidelines from all the social media platforms as well as the FTC, there are many cases when it is open to interpretation. Recently Facebook updated it’s promotion guidelines that I wrote about here. Also the FTC came out with new endorsement guidelines that was sparked by a Pinterest promotion that I posted here. It is hard to keep up with them all.

In my last post I wrote about the issues businesses face when trying to include a NFL team or the Super Bowl in their promotions without having an official sponsorship. At the conference we discussed this as well as the use of celebrities and sports figures in tweets, photos, status updates, etc. without their permission. We just had a client come to us with a sweepstakes where they are giving away as the grand prize tickets to a concert. They wanted to use not only the artist’s name in the official name of the sweepstakes, but also wanted participants to retweet the promotion with the artist’s name in the tweet. This is not a good idea to,first off, use the artist’s name without their permission, and then go broadcast it on Twitter that you’re using it.

While at the conference I came across this article on SmartBlog for Social Media written by Ivan Serrano which is titled “How to Mind Your Manners on Social Media”. Ivan created this infographic that I think is perfect so I wanted to share it here. It doesn’t include any laws or guidelines, just the simple etiquette that we businesses sometimes forget when posting on our social media sites. I think it’s mainly because we’re not face-to-face with our audience. Thanks Ivan for sharing this. Yes, I totally agree about the too many hashtags!

attending the 3rd Annual Summit on Digital Advertising Compliance for Social Media, Sweepstakes & Promotions hosted by the American Conference Institute. I was in a room mostly filled with legal counsel from many of the top brands as well as those from law firms who specialize in advertising and promotion.

What I mostly came away with is that there are so many grey areas when it comes to social media. Yes, there are laws regarding sweepstakes and contests that we follow. But when it comes to the various guidelines from all the social media platforms as well as the FTC, there are many cases when it is open to interpretation. Recently Facebook updated it’s promotion guidelines that I wrote about here. Also the FTC came out with new endorsement guidelines that was sparked by a Pinterest promotion that I posted here. It is hard to keep up with them all.

In my last post I wrote about the issues businesses face when trying to include a NFL team or the Super Bowl in their promotions without having an official sponsorship. At the conference we discussed this as well as the use of celebrities and sports figures in tweets, photos, status updates, etc. without their permission. We just had a client come to us with a sweepstakes where they are giving away as the grand prize tickets to a concert. They wanted to use not only the artist’s name in the official name of the sweepstakes, but also wanted participants to retweet the promotion with the artist’s name in the tweet. This is not a good idea to,first off, use the artist’s name without their permission, and then go broadcast it on Twitter that you’re using it.

While at the conference I came across this article on SmartBlog for Social Media written by Ivan Serrano which is titled “How to Mind Your Manners on Social Media”. Ivan created this infographic that I think is perfect so I wanted to share it here. It doesn’t include any laws or guidelines, just the simple etiquette that we businesses sometimes forget when posting on our social media sites. I think it’s mainly because we’re not face-to-face with our audience. Thanks Ivan for sharing this. Yes, I totally agree about the too many hashtags!


thursday-night-footballThe return of a new NFL season start tomorrow. The Green Bay Packers will kick it off in Seattle against the Seahawks at 8:30 pm ET. NBC will be covering the Thursday night game this week, however it returns to CBS the following Thursday for a seven week run with some games also on the NFL Network. Thursday night football has become a big television event over the past few years and it seems strange that the different networks have partnered up like this. But that doesn’t stop all us fans from anticipating a new season, even when you team is up for sale!

We still get many inquiries from companies that want to run a sweepstakes around an NFL team or the Super Bowl and we try to explain that you have to be a sponsor of the team or the NFL in order to legally do this. The NFL and the individual teams have been getting tougher on enforcing this and if they find a promotion from a non-sponsor they can enforce a cease and dismiss order which states you must end the promotion immediately or you run the risk of being taken to court. Recently a client came to us wanting to launch a sweepstakes that offers a chance to win tickets to a specific NFL game this season. Even though they are not not planning to use the teams’ names in any of the communications, it still runs the risk of copyright infringement.

Bud-Light-Ultimate-NFL-WeekAnheuser-Busch  is one of the NFL’s largest sponsors who pay big money for their Bud Light brand to be the Official Beer of the NFL. They recently launched their Ultimate NFL Weekend Sweepstakes where each week one winner along with three friends wins a trip to any NFL game they choose for the following week. The Sweepstakes started on Sept. 1 and already the Week 1 entry period is over and today is the start of Week 2. Just visit the Bud Light website and click on NFL Sweepstakes tab to find the entry form. I picked the game I would like to attend, the Minnesota Vikings at the New Orleans Saints on Sept. 21 and entered.  Participants can enter the sweepstakes each week which goes till the end of the year.Bud-Light-NFL-Teams

The prize consists of the 4 tickets to the game of the winner’s choice along with round-trip coach air transportation, hotel accommodations for two nights in two rooms, ground transportation to/from airport, hotel, and to game, a $400.00 gift card to the NFL Team’s Pro Shop at the stadium, $400.00 in Stadium Cash, and $1,000.00 spending money. Total value of the prize is $15,000. The value of the total prize pool for the sweepstakes is over a million dollars.

After I submitted my entry I was invited to play the “Uprights for Whatever” game for a second chance entry. It allows you to try and kick the ball through the uprights, which I was really bad at and didn’t get even one. I guess the more you play the better you get at it. But I did get my second chance entry and had to finish this post, so perhaps next week I’ll try again.

For now I wish everyone a great NFL season and let the best teams win. I’m not betting on the Bills this year to finally make the playoffs, but you never know!

All over the world people are now part of the growing smartphone market. By the end of 2014, figures released from eMarketer on mobile usage worldwide states that we expect 1.76 billion people to own and use smartphones monthly, up more than 25% over 2013. According to this same report it states that the U.S. will reach majority-smartphone penetration among its population this year along with the U.K. and the Netherlands. Canada and most of Eastern Europe, the EU-5, will make the majority smartphone jump in 2015. So as a marketer, what are you doing to jump on the mobile bandwagon?

Donna-HBOn my recent visit in Europe I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to hop on a Wi-Fi or a mobile hotspot. We traveled mostly on a Rail Europe pass and all the trains had Internet access, even the local trains in Ireland that weren’t high-speed. Many of the restaurants, bars and cafes we stopped at also were more than happy to give us their Wi-Fi password. Yes, even at the famous Hofbrauhaus Beer Garden in Munich where I took advantage of their Wi-Fi so I could upload this photo to my Facebook page of me enjoying a “Pint”.

I’ve always stated that the #1 reason for a marketer to run a sweepstakes promotion has been to grow their database by collecting personal data from the entry forms. The data has mostly included emails so that companies and brands could start to communicate with these consumers through email marketing. This dialog has enabled them to share their newsletters, product announcements, events, offers, etc. Sweepstakes have also been a good way to grow Facebook fans, and still is.

But now some marketers are using this same promotional tactic to create and build a database of opt-in (SMS) mobile subscribers who may be current or prospective customers. This allows the marketer to initiate an ongoing dialog with these customers via text messages that engage with them directly on their phone, not in their email folder. Studies now show that most consumers, today, want to receive text messages that are relevant and provide them with value. It is not just large brands who can benefit from this, but small businesses as well who are missing the opportunity to grow by not engaging in SMS marketing. The consumers welcome it so it may be the right time to now get on the text message bandwagon.

I have posted here on this blog about a number of mobile, text-to-win sweepstakes promotions that we have run such as the Busy Dog Live Nation Summer Souvenir Sweepstakes or the National Pork Board Grill Grill Giveaway summer program.  One of my blog readers, Marcos Menendez, just sent me information on a mobile text messaging sweepstakes that their company recently launched for a client. Marcos is the Founder and CEO of MOMARES  which runs mobile sweepstakes and SMS programs for clients off their SOLAK Platform. Marcos invited me to enter the “Release Your Inner Wild: Win the Florida Keys Fantasy Fest Getaway to Key West & Marathon”. You need to text WILDKEYS to the shortcode 65047 to enter.”

The MOMARES SOLAK platform however doesn’t just allow an entry from the text message.  Once a participant sends their initial text they receive a text message back that contains this link, asking them to complete an entry form. This is a very easy and simple way to direct someone to a mobile-enabled online form. The form already has the participant’s mobile phone number and the participant needs to complete the other required fields so it can gather their name plus their email and mailing address along with a birth date if required. So if you are running a sweepstakes that has many small prizes, such as gift cards, coupons, etc. you will need mailing addresses. If the sweepstakes has an age requirement such as for any alcohol beverage brand, then this is needed. We can also accomplish getting this extra data with just text messages, however, it requires a little more back and forth with the participant to complete the entry.

In this case of this sweepstakes, when the participant completes the form they receive another text message confirming they have entered and that they are now subscribed. The official rules state they can opt-out at any time, but that they must stay opted-in during the promotion period in order to be eligible to win. So here is an example of how the sponsor, The Monroe County Tourist Development Council, is creating and building their SMS database. Their goal is to run a couple more of these sweepstakes promotions during the next few months.  By doing so they will be able to invite the participants of this first sweepstakes who have stayed opt-ed to enter the new promotions via a text message as well as gain new participants through their other forms of marketing communications.

So this Sponsor has definitely hopped on the mobile bandwagon. If you’re interested in doing the same please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to help get you started.

My two daughters are back at home for a few days. Both are out of college now.  Kelsey is visiting because her sister, Alex, is home on a semester break from Ross University Veterinary School of Medicine. She’s got two weeks off before she has to head back down to St. Kitts, an island in the Caribbean. It probably sounds like a great place to go to school, but she was never so happy to be back in “America” as she posted on her Facebook page along with a photo of her meal at the airport of a burger, fries and a Bud Lite! She also brought home a huge empty suitcase so she can bring more stuff back to St. Kitts with her.

So I will include Alex in the “Back to College” crowd that adds quite a bit to the U.S. economy. The National Retail Federation says that college students and their parents will average $916.48 this year on back-to-school spending compared with $836.83 last year. And it predicts total college spending to hit $48.4 billion. By comparison, it forecasts that parents of kids K through 12 will spend $669.28 this year. This Back-to-College crowd is a key market for many retailers who have come up with some unique promotions this year to connect with them. Macy’s has launched a $50,000 video contest, inviting schools to submit a remix of the classic “Be True to Your School.”

The Macy’s Back to School Lip Dub Contest is giving schools and colleges the opportunity to win up to $25,000. They have created this video posted on the Contest You Tube page that provides many of the details that are listed in the Official Rules.

Contest submissions will begin being accepted on September 4 and run till October 10. The contest is open not only to colleges and universities but also to elementary, middle, and high schools that are located in the United States. Students are invited to upload a Lip Dub video of the school’s students lip-syncing in one continuous take to the song provided by the Sponsor (Macy’s) which is on the Contest Site. They must also include the following information: name of school, name of School Representative, email address, telephone, school identification number, and a statement (maximum of 500 characters) on how Entrant would use the prize.

BTS-Lip-Dub-ChallengeThree winners will be selected based on the following judging criteria as weighted: school spirit and participation (50%), creativity (30%), and execution (20%).  First Prize school $25,000,  Second Prize school $15,000 and a Third Prize school $10,000. Winners will be announced on or around October 31.

Besides the video contest, Macy’s is sponsoring events such as campus bus shuttle services. transporting students to shopping parties at Macy’s that include DJs, mini-manicures, makeovers and apparel, as well as 25% discounts. Macy’s is using the #MacyBTS hashtag to also promote back to school selections on their Pinterest page.

Macy’s has here some very unique and well thought-out promotional marketing campaigns. However, what’s the first thing my daughter purchased since she’s been home? A new Apple MacBook Air since she spilled water and fried her last laptop two weeks before finals! I’m sure she’ll be hitting some other stores soon.


FacebookpromoguidelinesIt seems that every time I leave for vacation Facebook decides to make a change to their Promotional Guidelines. This has happened several times to me and this time I read about it upon just returning from an amazing two-week trip around Europe.

facebook-logo-computer-200.hteaseOn August 7 this post was published on the Facebook Developer’s Page that announced this change to their Platform Policies:

“You must not incentivize people to use social plugins or to like a Page. This includes offering rewards, or gating apps or app content based on whether or not a person has liked a Page. It remains acceptable to incentivize people to login to your app, checkin at a place or enter a promotion on your app’s Page. To ensure quality connections and help businesses reach the people who matter to them, we want people to like Pages because they want to connect and hear from the business, not because of artificial incentives. We believe this update will benefit people and advertisers alike.”

So yes, this does means that now you can’t make it mandatory to have someone Like your page first in order to open the app to enter the promotion. From some of the comments that I read on this post there appears to be a few people that are again not very happy with Facebook. Facebook is however giving people up to Nov. 5 (90 days) to make the changes to their apps to comply with this new policy.

2012_RV_BikeGiveAway_LikeUSBLOCKWhen brands first started out building their Facebook pages their main objective was to acquire fans. They wanted a way to drive people to their page and Like it to become a fan. I would tell clients that if they wanted to just grow their fans, along with their database, sweepstakes were the way to go. You could create a simple sweepstakes offer with a Like-gate attached to it so that visitors to your page would have to Like it first in order to access the entry form. So this was a great way to build up a fan base.

That is now a thing of the past. Facebook has evolved into more of an advertising platform for brands which means that businesses can’t reach their “fans” as easy or “free” as they used to. Consumers who “like” a Facebook page will most likely not see the content that this page posts anymore in their News Feed. So this recent policy change does not surprise me.

This year we have been steering our clients away from using the Like-gate approach.  I’ve been telling clients that it may not be a good idea to use a Like-Gate anymore is mostly because now more people are accessing their Facebook account from a mobile device vs a computer. When you require someone to Like the page to enter, they must first sign into Facebook from their mobile device so that the application knows if they are or are not a fan already. This added an extra step and was not a user-friendly entry process.

So do sweepstakes and contest promotions still work on Facebook? Yes, they do, but you clearly have to define what you want to get out of them. No longer is the number of Likes you have on your Facebook page a good measurement of success. Instead marketers need to look at quality in their social media, not quantity. Which means more engagement such as shares, comments, etc. I think Facebook made the right move here which was an obvious change that most marketers were moving towards anyhow.

3rd Annual Social Media ConferenceNext month I’m going to me heading back down to New York City to attend the 3rd Annual Social Media, Sweepstakes and Promotions Digital Compliance Conference put on by the American Conference Institute.  I’m looking forward to again hearing Allison Hendrix, Platform Operations Attorney from Facebook speak. Allison has been a keynote speaker each year at this conference and always has provided some great insights into why Facebook does what it does. There are many other great speakers and colleagues who will also be attending the conference. So please stay tuned for my posts that I’ll share regarding the conference which is Sept. 9 and 10.



Pork CheckoffConsumers who live in the state of Texas have a chance to win a couple of grills and a lot of charcoal from the National Pork Board. We recently launched their Grill and Charcoal Giveaway Sweepstakes on July 11 which goes to October 4. They are utilizing text messaging as a method of entry into this sweepstakes.

Text messaging is the most popular mobile behavior across user demographics. In fact, 96% of people aged 18-50 years old send text messages, making it an excellent way to opt-in participants to a sweepstakes campaign. It requires very little effort from participants to enter and can be done from where ever they are on their devices. So this year we are finding that more and more of our clients are considering text messaging when running their sweepstakes.

For this Grill and Charcoal Giveaway Sweepstakes we are again utilizing the Signal Engage Platform. This allows us to create a sweepstakes promotion with multiple methods of entry that get collected into one database. In this case consumers are instructed to text the world “Pork” to the shortcode 50101. They then receive a response message that provides a link to the mobile Sweepstakes entry form. The entry form enables the National Pork Board to collect additional information from them other then just their mobile phone number such as their name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address. This way they we confirm that the entrant came from the state of Texas.

However, you can still collect additional data about the participate just using text messaging. I wrote earlier about the Summer Souvenir Sweepstakes series tied into Live Nation concerts.  We’re also using the Signal Engage Platform for this promotion and in this case the sponsor wanted to collect the Entrants’ full name. So after the participant sends their initial message they receive a message back that asks them to provide their first and last name to complete their entry. We have other sweepstakes running which ask the participants to provide their date of birth before they can enter which is a great feature for alcohol beverage brands.

Utilizing text messaging in a sweepstakes promotion can also provide a connection to a more long lasting relationship with customers after the sweepstakes has ended. When utilizing text messages sweepstakes entrants can be opted in to the sponsor’s list by agreeing to receive a set number of text messages per month from the Sponsor. All entrants can unsubscribe at any time. This allows the sponsor to communicate with them on their mobile devices throughout the year.

In the Grill and Charcoal Giveaway sweepstakes we will conduct two random drawings; one halfway through the promotion on or about August 7 and another at the conclusion of the sweeps. Each drawing will pull one grand prize winner who will receive an All Seasons Charcoal Grill worth $700. We will also draw 30 first prize winners for a total of 60 who will each receive six bags of charcoal.

Sweepstakes today still remain a powerful and simple way to achieve high participation, excitement and buzz for your brand and company. Mobile opportunities now expand this promotional tactic as a way to further the communication touch points with customers and gain a higher return on the investment. If you would like more information on how you can integrate mobile into your marketing plans please feel free to contact us.