This Sunday, May 14, is Mother’s Day. The Internet has been full of ads and emails with many gift suggestions for mom. Seems like everyone, retailers, brands, restaurants, all have a way on how best to celebrate the moms in our lives. It appears that they are using every media channel available, and social media has been playing a bigger role each year.

We’re assisting with the sweepstakes administration for a Mother’s Day sweepstakes that is available on Instagram. This year we started working with a company called American International Industries (AII Beauty). You probably wouldn’t recognize their name because they are more commonly known by their over 60 different beauty and skin care brands. These brands include Andrea, Ardell, Body Drench, Checi, China Glaze, Clean + Easy, Clubman, EzFlow, Fright Night, Gena, GiGi, ibd, ‘N Rage, ProLinc, SuperNail, Surgi-Care, Tres Flores, and Youthair to name a few. They run many sweepstakes each month for their brands, most all of them on the different Instagram pages of each brand.

Yesterday the Tan Gorgeous Mother’s Day Giveaway Sweepstakes started with promotes both their Ardell Lashes and their Body Drench brands. Fans are invited to enter via the Instagram pages of either @ardell_lashes or @bodydrench. They must follow both @ardell lalshes and @bodydrench and like the Sweepstakes promotional post on each page. They must also share the post on @bodydrench and comment on the post on @ardell_lashes in response to the question: What’s your favorite memory with your mom? Each completed task on each page will receive one entry into the Sweepstakes.

One winner from each Instagram page will each receive one Tan Gorgeous Collection valued at $75 and a $100 worth of Ardell Lashes.

The team at ShortStack sent us a copy of this Mother’s Day promotion that was done for a company called The Good Guys. Shortstack is the platform that we use to create online entry pages for some of our client’s sweepstakes and contests. This #CelebrateMum contest asks participants to nominate their mom or a mother-figure who inspires them to win a grand prize worth over $1,500.

The contest also asks them to chose one of three charities – Miracle Babies Foundation, McGrath Foundation, and Ngala – to win a cash prize. The charity who gets the most votes will receive $1,000, and the other two will each receive $500. They feature a ‘Learn More’ button below each charity to help participants decide which one to vote for.

Four years ago on Mother’s Day I spent the day with both my daughters attending the graduation of our youngest daughter, Alex, from the University of Buffalo. This year I will spend the weekend after Mother’s Day with both of them again and we’ll be attending the graduation ceremony for Alex who has now graduated from the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine which is located in St. Kitts. The ceremony will be held at the University of Miami. We are all so proud of her. She is now working as a Veterinarian at Ruth Helen Wolf Animal Hospital in Libertyville, IL, just outside of Chicago.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms.

Dove-mom-daughterWe will be celebrating moms this Sunday as we observe another Mother’s Day. A new study by Dove revealed just in time for Mother’s Day states that mothers are more likely to influence their daughter’s beauty habits than celebrities. This is such a relief to hear that real relationships in a woman’s life leave the strongest lasting beauty impressions, more so than from what they learn from most female celebrities who are posting their advice on to their social media sites.

According to the study, three times as many women said their mothers influenced their beauty routines than say celebrities have, and as many as 84% of women trust the women in their lives over celebrities for beauty tips and advice.

Dove-4 generationsIn light of this study, Dove recently launched the Dove Beauty Stories: Four Generations campaign and video, which encourages women to honor the women in their lives that have taught them how to live beautifully. In celebration of the Dove Beauty Bar, a product that has been passed down among women for nearly 60 years, the campaign’s goal is to inspire the next generation with the lessons, tips and advice they have learned through the power of storytelling.

Documented in the video is the story of one real family that wrote a letter to Dove thanking the brand for the message they stand for and the products they offer. The Dove Beauty Bar has become their family beauty secret that has been passed down through four generations of women along with lessons of beauty and confidence. Dove captured their story recruiting three generations of moms in a new video which is meant to inspire other women to pass down their personal beauty stories and celebrate the women who have influenced them. View the video here:

Dove 4 Generations Video

Included in the campaign is a social invitation from Dove encouraging women to share their own #BeautyStory Dove-share-yourand celebrate the real women that have inspired them. Throughout this week, leading up to Mother’s Day, followers and fans of the brand’s social channels will be prompted to celebrate the different women in their life from their aunts to their sisters to their best friends. The socially driven campaign will culminate on Mother’s Day where women will have the opportunity to pay homage to their mothers and the beautiful lessons they taught them.

Dove-Paris SweepsAt the same time Dove is running the “Dove Love at First Swipe” Sweepstakes which invites people to create a custom Dove Love Note, then share it on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest to receive a Sweepstakes entry. Participants can earn up to 3 entries a day by sharing for a chance to win a trip to Paris with the love of their life. Plus 10 First Prize Winners will receive a $150 gift card and 190 Second Prize Winners will receive $25 flower gift cards. This sweepstakes helps to promote Dove Advanced Care Deodorant in which a $2.00 coupon is offered on the site.

So happy Mother’s Day to all moms, new and old. It’s now been five years this spring since my mom passed away and I so wish I could give her a hug and wish her a happy mother’s day. So please give your mom one for me, if you can.