One frequently used venue for promotional campaigns is Facebook, yet a lot of companies make the mistake of thinking they can move a competition or sweepstakes from their website to Facebook without making any sort of changes. Facebook often updates its regulations
pertaining to competitions and sweepstakes. Thankfully, there are sweepstakes services to help keep up with these sorts of modifications so that your campaigns can consistently adhere to Facebook policy.

Facebook Sweepstakes Promotional Policies

If you choose to use platforms like Facebook to host or communicate a contest or sweepstakes,
you are responsible for its lawful operation. This includes adhering to requirements such as:

  • Official Rules
    In which you will need to clearly define the rules of your promotional campaigns. They
    also help shield your company from misconceptions and possible legal problems.
  • Offer Terms and Eligibility Requirements
    In which you will need to describe who is eligible to participate and any terms of the
    offer. In the end, these components serve to establish confidence and guarantee that
    your campaign is reasonable and complies with legal requirements by outlining who is
    eligible to participate and the precise terms under which they can join and win.
  • Compliance with Corresponding Laws
    Ensure your promotion complies with all relevant laws and regulations, including those
    concerning winnings and prizes. Having a good understanding of legal definitions
    specific to your campaign and drafting your rules accordingly is undeniably the best
  • Regulatory Approvals
    In which you will need to complete any necessary registration involved and obtain
    regulatory approvals. This involves several key steps to navigate the legal landscape
    and secure the necessary permissions for your promotion.
  • Liability Release
    In which you will need to include a release of Facebook by each participant. By
    incorporating this practice, you can ensure that each participant is fully aware of and
    agrees to release Facebook from any potential claims or liabilities related to the
  • Acknowledging Facebook’s Non-Affiliation
    In which you need to make it clear that the promotion is not sponsored, endorsed,
    administered by, or associated with Facebook. This is required to avoid participant
    misconceptions and to adhere to Facebook’s promotional standards.

American Sweepstakes Social Media Services

We provide an extensive array of social media services to assist you in effectively managing
your promotions, such as:

  • Platforms
    Giving participants access to a variety of social media sites, like YouTube, Pinterest,
    Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, may greatly increase the promotion's reach and
  • Facebook App Development
    Giving users one-of-a-kind engaging experiences, may greatly improve your promotional
  • Hashtag Promotions
    Helping to create engaging hashtag campaigns to increase visibility and participation.
  • Entry Portals
    Providing you with seamless entry portals across various social media channels.
  • Social Marketing
    Helping you enhance strategies to maximize your reach and engagement.
  • Public Voting
    Providing you with tools to facilitate and manage public voting for contests.

American Sweepstakes for Your Facebook Sweepstakes Services

Interested in running your own Facebook sweepstakes? Let American Sweeps handle the
administrative support. Our seasoned experts ensure all aspects of your sweepstakes will be
taken care of, so you can focus on running a successful promotion for your organization.